Our Mission at Pompeii Surgical

Explore the core values and commitments that define our journey in healthcare excellence.

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Probono Surgery & Outreach

Bringing world-class healthcare solutions to those without insurance or financial means through our extensive probono surgery programs and community outreach initiatives.

Enhancing US/Mexico Relations

Building state-of-the-art surgical centers in Mexico that meet and exceed US standards, specializing in bariatric surgery with a focus on lowering complication rates and showcasing the power of international healthcare cooperation.

Ethical Pricing Model

Championing flat-rate, surprise-free pricing in surgery, demonstrating that protecting patients' financial health is as important as their physical well-being.

Employee-Centric Workplace

Creating an empowering work environment that offers more than just a livelihood; prioritizing education, growth, and equal advancement opportunities for all employees, regardless of age, sex, or background.